+49 30 8609320



Last-minute offers for last-minute travellers !!

The prices vary depending on size of the available room and/or season.
For the  last-minute travellers – a last-minute price !! Last minute prices for telephone booking and cash payment !!!Special discounts for group or a long stay on request.

All rates are per room and night.

Lowest and highest rates see price list.


Single room

Shower/WC from 55,00* EUR

Single room | Econmy

from 45,00* EUR

Double room

Shower/WC from 65,00* EUR

Double room | Econmy

from 55,00* EUR

Triple room

Shower / WC from 75,00* EUR

Family room

Shower/WC from 99,00* EUR

Extra bed in the room

from 30,00* EUR per Night

*Prices correspond to the low season

Prices are flexible and depend on the season and the situation in Berlin.

Ambert’s breakfast. 

The breakfast buffet offers a wide selection of dishes to suit every taste and is available from early morning to midday. In summer you can enjoy your breakfast on our large sun deck. There you can relax and enjoy the view over Berlin. Price: 10,00 € per Person.

Free: Wlan (high speed DSL) Internet access either analog or Wi-Fi.
Double room for single use (on request)
Long stay rates (on request)
In single and double rooms we can currently accommodate up to 30 guests, with extra beds up to 40 guests.

Our rooms are non-smoking. Please smoke on our beautiful roof terrace.

Booking requests easy and fast: every day from 8 am to 9 pm.
Arrival after 21.00 o’clock is possible after arrangement.

Phone: +49 (0)30 860 932 0
Fax: +49 (0)30 860 932 14
E-Mail: info@hotel-ambert.de